
Oh brother, oh damn, why me?  I’d know better than to ask the question if I came down with a disease or got hit by a car, but this is getting to me—and how.  I wasn’t doing anything, nothing, minding my business, just taking a walk in Paris, I don’t deserve this.  And I never saw it coming. Not at all: it was feeling like a fine day, a day for something pleasing, a late winter day with a few clouds, a weak blue sky, not much wind to speak of—the kind of day when it’s hard to decide if I should keep my coat buttoned or open it up, when crossing the street from the sun into the shade means a drop of three degrees at least, and the cafés on the sunny side are crowded.  It’s a nice street with trees on both sides, with stores, markets and bars meant to please the people from the quartier, what I think of as ordinary Paris for ordinary Parisians.  The architecture is simply there, though a spectacular Art Nouveau entrance and a cartoonish giant stuck to the side of a non-descript building are worth staring at and can make you laugh out loud with surprised pleasure.  It’s just ordinary.  The one exception on this busy street is more than a dozen stores proclaiming déstockage. They are only distant cousins, probably a couple of times removed, of the outlet stores that have become destinations and serious recreation in the States.  They actually sell things this year their famous makers couldn’t sell last year in the department stores and the branded boutiques on Rennes and Rivoli, not bas de gamme clothes whose sole purpose is to keep a top-of-the-line label from falling on the ground.  The locals from the neighborhood do not keep them in business, though I don’t imagine they’re allergic to a bargain either.  These outlets are well known, and people from the fancier arrondissements and the suburbs know how to get here.  And so do others, even unlikely and unforeseeable others. Of course.  Everyone’s welcome—entrée libre—even me, and in I go, passing under the name of an Italian designer, because amazingly I can’t quite make out the price on the label hanging off a scarf I like draped around a mannequin’s neck in the window.  About two steps in from the door I see a man coming toward me. He is bulky, fair-haired, and blind with rage or something I do not know about and don’t want to.  Whether it’s right to say he has a cloud in his face, blood in his eye, or his hair is on fire I still can’t tell, but I get out of his way as he rips the door open and bulls out into the street, sending the calm pedestrians on the fine late winter day dodging left and right.  I look after him until he’s gone, then at the clerk, a nicely put together middle-aged woman, who is staring after him with her mouth slightly open and her eyes ready to start out of her head.  She is terrified.  I ask her what has happened.  Not a word.  I lead her over to her desk, help her sit down, then open a bottle of water she has left there and hand it to her. She drinks a little, then lets her head roll forward.  Her shoulders heave as if she’s crying or trying not to.  She slowly looks up, drinks a little more water, says merci. Are you all right?  She nods.  What happened?  “I don’t know.”  It takes a while, but I think this is the story.  He walked into the store looking normal, she smiled, greeted him, and immediately he looked angry, got red in the face, raised his fists, then began pounding them into the sides of his legs, said something she did not understand in a very loud voice, took a deep breath, turned, and nearly ran me over as I walked in the door.  “I thought he was going to punch me.”  She breathes hard and deep. Supposing a little retail therapy might do her some good, I ask her, after a few minutes, about the scarf I saw in the window.  She leans on my arm as she gets up, then goes slowly to the window, but comes back with a little more bounce and a smile on her face as she lays it out on the counter. “C’est belle, n’est-ce pas, l’écharpe?” I think so too, a beautiful red scarf that causes one of the many short circuits in my brain to think of the trademark color of the 1965 Mustang.  I also think it’s a little too much like the scarf I left in the apartment when I went out this morning to let me spend forty euros on it and not feel wasteful.  A sigh and no thanks, from me.  I turn and ask her to wait a moment.  I go out through the door a step or two, look up and down the street, then come back and tell her he is not there.  I smile, thank her, and start to go again.  She asks me to wait.  “I want you to have it.  A gift.”  I can’t, but thank you.  “You helped me.”  Its own reward, like virtue, I think.  No, I can’t.  “Will you buy it for ten euros?”  Don’t ask me to explain, but a bargain is sometimes better than a gift, which is often no bargain at all.  Yes, I…

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