Our thoughts are with the people of Paris

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Our thoughts are with the people of Paris
To all our friends and followers, to all those who share with us a love of Paris, we just want to say how shocked and sorry we are for the people of Paris, and especially for the friends and families of those who lost their lives or have been injured. Our sympathies and thoughts are with them. We will show our solidarity and support for France and Paris by continuing to write about its beauty, culture and history which have given us all so much pleasure and joy over the years. If you have anything you wish to say or add to our message please feel free to comment at the foot of this post on the website. Sincerely, The Bonjour Paris Editors

Lead photo credit : Rainbow over Eiffel tower, Paris

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BP's expert editorial team includes some of the city's top English-language journalists.


  • Rich and Dr. Linda W
    2015-11-16 22:42:30
    Rich and Dr. Linda W
    My wife and I do a great amount of international travel and for years we never included Paris in our travel plans as we fell into the rumor mill stating that the French are rude to Americans. How wrong we were! We have been vacationing in Paris for two to three weeks every year for the past five years. Our hearts go out to all the beautiful people in this fantastic city. Everyone we ever met went out of their way to help us with our needs from the time we land at Charles DeGaulle Airport to our stay in Marne Valle Chessy. I am a Commander of an American Legion and I have our flags flying at half mast in honor of our friends that we have met and those that we have never met.