Our thoughts are with the people of Paris

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Our thoughts are with the people of Paris
To all our friends and followers, to all those who share with us a love of Paris, we just want to say how shocked and sorry we are for the people of Paris, and especially for the friends and families of those who lost their lives or have been injured. Our sympathies and thoughts are with them. We will show our solidarity and support for France and Paris by continuing to write about its beauty, culture and history which have given us all so much pleasure and joy over the years. If you have anything you wish to say or add to our message please feel free to comment at the foot of this post on the website. Sincerely, The Bonjour Paris Editors

Lead photo credit : Rainbow over Eiffel tower, Paris

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BP's expert editorial team includes some of the city's top English-language journalists.


  • James Luce
    2015-11-17 08:07:34
    James Luce
    France began its war against ISIS on September 30 by bombing and strafing numerous targets in Syria. Many hundreds of non-combatant Syrians have died or been seriously injured as a result. These deaths and injuries are called "collateral damage of war" and have not even been acknowledged, let alone mourned, in the West. The attacks in Paris were no more barbaric than the French attacks in Syria. But then...all acts of war are barbaric. Let us mourn all the dead who die needlessly in war, but let's remember who started this one.