Baci di Dama

Baci di Dama
I came upon these delicate Italian cookies, called Baci di Dama (the Lady’s Kisses), somewhere in my journeys through the streets of Torino, the labyrinths of web pages or… I don’t really recall. What I do recall is their absolute divineness… Light as air, floating in clouds of sweet butter and hazelnut or almond stardust. It was 1893, where behind the façade of the Pasticceria Zanotti in Tortona, a city in Italy’s Piemonte region, that these baci came into being; and their original form — 2 semi-spheres (or lips) united by a dollop of melted dark chocolate — has been faithfully kept to this day. As simple as can be to make. Wonderful with a bowl of local, farm-fresh strawberries and a glass of Moscato d’Asti. Please take a look at my website La Cucina di Terresa; and feel free to subscribe to my Conscious Palate Newsletter. Baci di Dama (makes 15 kisses) 70 gr (2.5 oz) unbleached flour (or rice four) 70 gr (2.5 oz) roasted, skinned hazelnuts or blanched almonds 50 gr (1.75 oz) sweet butter, softened 50 gr (1.75 oz) unrefined sugar 30 gr (1 oz) dark melting chocolate Pinch of salt Preheat the oven to 160˚C. Finely chop the hazelnuts or almonds to obtain a flour. You can also use a coffee bean grinder, but be careful not to let the nuts turn to butter. Combine all the ingredients, except the chocolate, and mix well (best done with your hands). Form into a ball, cover and set in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Make 30 balls, each weighing 8 gr, forming them by gently rolling the dough between the palms of your hands. Place them slightly apart on a lightly buttered cookie sheet and bake in the oven for 15 minutes. Let them cool on the cookie sheet before removing. Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie. Place a small dollop on the flat side of one cookie and cover with a second. Set aside for the chocolate set before serving Buon appetito – Terresa
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